AUPE Local 002, PREP Committee will be facilitating another session of the Point Rating Evaluation Plan (PREP) Virtual Training, via Zoom.
AUPE Local 002 members who wish to pursue job re-classification are encouraged to attend this course to learn about job reclassification process and presentation to the Classification Appeals Board (CAB).
Date: October 3 and 4, 2024 (Thursday and Friday)
Time: 9:00am – 4:30pm (both days)
Facilitator: Lee A. Watson, AUPE Union Representative – Classifications
This is a two-day training, offered in a virtual format using Zoom
The registration is open to ALL AUPE Local 002 members.
SEATS ARE LIMITED. All Local 002 members who are interested in attending this course should register as soon as possible.
You can register NOW. To reserve your seat, please click on the web link below:
The registration will close on September 22, 2024, at 12:00pm, or when we fill all the spots in the course and on the waiting list.
Because this training is held on workdays, the training participants will be eligible for AUPE Time-Off from their jobs, with pay, as per our Collective Agreement, Article 11.03. Participation in this course is Union Business.
Following the completion of the training registration form, the registrants will receive an email, confirming the status of their registration and a link to apply for a Time-Off Request.
If you have any questions about this training, or regarding job classification issues, you may contact the AUPE Local 2 PREP Committee, by email:
*** Previous Course Participants said about this training ***
“Getting an insiders’ perspective on how job positions are classified and reviewed, it was really eye-opening. It was very beneficial to have such an experience facilitator. He provided some very useful advice.”
“This was an extremely valuable session on learning the Point Rating Evaluation Plan (PREP) and how it is applied to GoA employee job descriptions. I am appreciative that the Union provided this on-line course that provided an explanation on day 1 and practice examples on day 2.”
“This course has valuable information that you don't get from the materials that are founds online. Plus, there was an opportunity to have discussions surrounding reclassification requests in detail which has provided guidance that we didn't get prior to this course.“
“The course contents are very informative. The instructor is very knowledgeable about classifications.”
“The real-life scenarios brought out were the gem of the course.”
“The course was very well structured. Lots of interactive exercises and open discussion. Great learning experience.”