Local Committees
Local 002 has a number of committees comprised of elected members. Committee members are elected for a 2-year term. Each committee works to further the goals of AUPE and to promote solidarity and engagement among the Local's membership.
For more information about the role of each committee, take a look below for more details including each committee's terms of reference. If a listed committee does not have their terms of reference available, please contact the respective committee chair for more information.
Anti-Privatization / Anti-Contracting Out
The mandate of the Anti-Privatization/Anti-Contracting-Out Committee (APACO) mandate is to identify and address privatization and contracting-out issues facing or being planned for Local 002 members. This committee will develop, promote, and lead anti-privatization and anti-contracting-out awareness, and a prevention plan for Local 002 members.
Committee Members
David Pattison (Chair)
Salim Bharwani (Vice Chair and Secretary)
Elaine Cairns
Omoruyi Obaseki
Marie Trudel
Sandi Misselbrook
Meenu Nath
According to AUPE's constitution, The Negotiating Team (Bargaining Team) shall be elected by and from the members of the bargaining unit who sit on the Local Council. It has been Local 002 practice to elect five members and three alternate members to a Negotiating Team, and to consider the Local chairperson an ex-officio member.
The team is considered to be elected for the duration of a negotiating round, which may or may not coincide with the two-year election term of council members and the Executive.
Have questions? Email us - bargaininglocal002@aupe.ca
Committee Members
Lorraine Ellis (Chair)
Trevor Eliott (Vice Chair)
Jackie Bruglemans (Secretary)
Michael Decker
Bede Eke
Richard Lemaire
Allysa Mercer
Victoria Pauli
Seniors, Social & Community Services Advisory
The purpose of the Committee is to discuss items of mutual interest to the Parties related to the delivery of the Alberta Supports Program of Seniors, Social and Community Services. Members are not elected from Council as membership is limited to Alberta Works, Seniors, Social and Community Services.
SCSS Advisory Terms of Reference
Committee Members
(R)=Representative; (A)=Alternate; (O)=Observer
Calgary Area
Michael Decker (R) (Vice Chair)
Jill Thompson (A)
Central Area
Katherine Alexander (R)
Shelley Langstaff (A)
Edmonton Region
Sheila Osborn (R) (Chair)
Rita Bains (R)
Dennis Coulthard (O)
Northeast Area
Stacy Amos (R) Secretary
Karen Miller (A)
Northwest Area
Ken Ziolkoski (R)
Tanya Bott (R)
South Area
Rochelle Kambeitz (R)
Michelle Hansen (A)
Employee Relations
The Employee Relations Committee (ERC) is a committee of Local 002 Council representatives that meets regularly with the Employer’s representatives – Public Service Commission and Human Resources consultants from various ministries. Participants may bring up any issues not related to pending or existing grievances, terms and conditions of the Master Agreement, and issues for which other resolution mechanisms have not been explored.
Committee Members
Trevor Eliott (Chair)
David Pattison (Vice Chair)
Jones Mitchell (Secretary)
Laurie Quinton - Member
Jackie Bruglemans - Member
Marie Trudel - Member
The Finance Committee assists the Local 002 Treasurer in the performance of his/her duties, including:
Preparation of the Local’s annual budget;
Reviewing auditor reports and making recommendations to ensure the Local is accountable to AUPE and the members;
Reviewing Local 002 financial policies and making motions to Council if additions or updates are recommended;
Scrutinizing, researching options and making recommendations on financial-related issues presented to the committee;
Investigating ways to cut costs to ensure member funds are spent wisely.
Committee Members
Trevor Eliott (Chair)
Rebecca LeBlanc (Vice Chair)
Pam Vona (Secretary)
Karen Mann
Sandi Misselbrook
Stephen Griffith
Inclusion, Diversity and Equity
The IDE committee works to promote the equitable representation, participation and inclusion of all Local 002 members in their diversity of race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and many other areas. The committee ensures the principles of diversity, inclusion and equity are considered in all Local 002 business, and that diverse voices are all given the opportunity to be heard.
Committee Members
Victoria Pauli (Chair)
Elaine Tran (Vice Chair)
Celia Kinney (Secretary)
Elaine Cairns
Kimoy Marston
Jill Thompson
Membership Services
The purpose of Local 002's Membership Services Committee (MSC) is to:
increase two-way communication between the local and its membership;
facilitate member recognition;
identify ways to improve delivery of services to the membership.
Committee Members
Pam Vona (Chair)
Allysa Mercer (Vice Chair)
Mercedes Lincango (Secretary)
Heather Czeto
Laurie Quinton
Betty Snow
To learn more about Member Discounts, check out this video.
Occupational Health & Safety
Occupational Health & Safety Committee TOR
This committee provides Local 002 Council members with general information about workplace health and safety issues, as well as the priorities of and any initiatives being undertaken by the AUPE Standing Occupational Health and Safety Committee.
Committee Members
Natashia Foran-Botsford (Chair)
Jackie Bruglemans (Vice Chair)
Stephen Griffith (Secretary)
Victoria Pauli
Rochelle Kambeitz
Janet Hammel
This committee was formed on October 1, 2021. A detailed description and terms of reference will be posted at a later date.
Committee Members
Natasha Foran-Botsford (Chair)
Lisa Brown (Vice Chair)
Amanda Picot (Acting Secretary)
Ron Fernandes
Jessica Ly
Elaine Tran
PREP Classification
PREP Committee Terms of Reference
PREP is an acronym for Point-Rating Evaluation Plan.
The purpose of Local 002's PREP Committee is to:
Support our members with their PREP classifications issues;
Facilitate the education of our members on the PREP classification system;
Monitor the application of PREP for our membership
Committee Members
Tom Lachacz (Chair)
📧 aupe.local.002.prep@gmail.comDennis Coulthard (Vice Chair)
Elaine Cairns (Secretary)
Jackie Bruglemans (ERC Rep/Bargaining Committee Rep)
Pam Vona
Shannon Horsburg
Harmesh Kumar - Alternate 1
Ron Fernandes - Alternate 2
Wellness & Personal Development
Local 002's Wellness and Personal Development (WAPD) Committee administers the Local's bursary program. The number and amount of the bursary awards are determined at each annual general meeting of Local 002 depending on the financial situation of the Local, and are subject to change without notice.
Committee Members
Susan Cowtan (Chair)
Amanda Picot (Vice Chair)
Heather Czeto (Secretary)
Jill Hughes
Donna Stratton
Shaun Brinton
Engagement Commmittee
Chapter 001
Jolene Powell (Secretary)
Jill Thompson
Chapter 002
Bonnelle Markham (Chair)
Bill Lee
Jackie Burglemans (Strategic Plan Liaison)
Chapter 003
Kelsey Land
Tracey Wegleitner
Chapter 004
Matthew Holden (Vice Chair)
Laurie Quinton
Chapter 005
Freddy Tirado
Rochelle Kambeitz
Chapter 006
Jen Morrison